A Blog For Educational Improvement!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Independent Learning-Bus Hijack In Manila

Recently on the news, you might have heard about a bus being hijacked. The bus was carrying 25 Hong Kong people. This was a very tragic event and 8 innocent people were killed together with 9  injured people. The Hong Kong Police Force and the Filipino police force are now investigating the bus. People all over the internet have been commenting on the police force and how they acted. The relatives of the deceased members of the event has once said that they are not satisfied about the police force. In our independent learning, we have been learning how talk about news topics and to put it onto a online tool called "Glogster". In this post, it is related to both ICT and Independent Learning. Currently, we are learning about blogs and posts.Here is a short footage of the event:


  1. Kenny, this is a very well written introduction to why you have chosen this video. Good work. Just take a little time to read through it and look for any grammatical or typing mistakes.

  2. Kenny, you wrote a good paragraph about this video. I am doing the same subject in Independent Learning as well. I think it is a very good way to show people what happened.
